2023/5/18PMP文化角最後一場由外語教學中心志工隊與PMP6最高與最萌的2位俄羅斯學生分享當地節慶與遊戲,一開始學生就打破我們對俄羅斯都是金髮藍眼的刻板印象~原來俄羅斯有190個不同的民族,而學生是來自布里亞特共和國。介紹了2個最重要的節慶,包含Night of Yohor,是慶祝告別寒冷與漫長的冬天,迎接春天的到來,另一個是Maslenitsa,也分享了在這節日一定要吃的煎餅與傳統食物。另外,還帶著大家一起玩「Игра Белки и домики 房子、松鼠、地震」遊戲,需要三人一組,兩人當房子、一人當松鼠,聽到特定名詞就要換位,大家玩到都不想停止呢! 最後Q&A時間答對的同學還獲得了俄羅斯的硬幣~真的是太幸運了透過這樣的介紹,大家都對俄羅斯有初步的認識~ 也透過PMP文化角慢慢了解各國文化特色,學習跨文化的尊重與包容! 歡迎持續關注我們唷
May 18th, 2023
The final PMP Cultural Corner was held!!
This event was hosted by Foreign Language Center’s volunteer along with tallest and cutest Russian students. They shared about local festival and games. The beginning Russian students said stereotypical images of Russia is only blond hair and blue eyes, right? But there are 190 different ethnic groups. Two Russian students come from Buryat Republic.
They introduced two important festivals in Russia, included Night of Yohor. This is a celebration to bid farewell to the cold and long winter and to welcome the arrival Spring.
Another one is Maslenitsa, also shared the traditional foods that must be eaten during this festival. In addition, we also played together Игра Белки и домики Room, Squirrel and earthquake which required teams of three, two as house and one as squirrel and we had changed positions when we heard a special word! At the end, students who got the Q and A time also won a Russian coin!!
Thorough this event, we all have a preliminary understand of Russia. And through PMP Cultural Corner, we can learn about the characteristics of different countries and learn cross-cultural respect. Please keep following PMP!!
兩位俄羅斯學生帶著大家一起玩「Игра Белки и домики 房子、松鼠、地震」遊戲
兩位俄羅斯學生帶著大家一起玩「Игра Белки и домики 房子、松鼠、地震」遊戲