2022/9/30 PMP6的日本和印尼學生到文華高中進行文化交流,國際生準備了「在日本和印尼不能做的10件事」的主題,讓大家更了解文化差異。日本場,高中生對日本非常好奇,主動詢問他們在日本的生活,而高中生也和日本同學分享在台灣不能做的十件事,像是不能在晚上吹口哨,不能用紅筆寫名字等等,讓日本人更了解台灣的文化習俗,除此之外,更帶著日本同學體驗羊毛氈,做波羅麵包、荷包蛋,還有一組人做蛋黃酥,日本生第一次體驗羊毛氈,都覺得非常新奇好玩,印尼的同學則是利用Kahoot跟學生互動,讓大家快速了解印尼的文化,更準備了印尼當地零食當作小禮物!高中生也分享台灣小故事,一起手作燈籠、竹製手槍,更印尼同學更上台挑戰的彈奏二胡,真的好厲害,活動結束後大家都搶著跟國際生拍照,國際生也感受到台灣學生的熱情與活力,雙方都非常開心也收穫滿滿 ,也認識不同國家的文化~
Japanese and Indonesian students from Feng Chia University went to Wen-hua High School to communicate with high school students.For this cultural exchange, the international students prepared the PPT on the theme of "10 things you can't do in Japan and Indonesia", to introduce the cultural differences of their countries to high school students.International students also feel that Taiwanese high school students are very enthusiastic and energetic. This high school cultural exchange activity made them very happy. They learned more about the cultures of different countries~