狂賀!!! 通識教育中心全校國際生大一不分系學士班(PMP) 榮獲111 學年度全校師生運動會繞場精神錦標第三名
111學年度全校師生運動會於112年3月18日上午舉行開幕儀式,PMP以「國際交流領航,逢甲築夢翱翔」為主題來呈現這次的繞場表演,來自14個國家的學生,除了大大舉起自己的國旗外,更自己繪製各國的「謝謝」 要來感謝逢甲大學的照顧與支持他們圓夢。
PMP是全國第一個成立的全校國際生不分系,現在進入第六屆,共有243位國際生。PMP用有溫度的陪伴,為國際生打造一個台灣的家,讓國際生在一年內提升華語,找到自己的專業發展,成為全國各大學爭相模仿的學制。PMP的學生們身穿著班服,由王惠鈴主任及唐永立導師帶領,在操場的司令台前吶喊著「PMP讚讚讚! PMP第一名!」,讓全校看見國際生的活力,透過參加運動會讓班上更有向心力,國際生們也對學校產生歸屬感。
PMP6大家積極參與學校活動,報名了系際學生組趣味競賽&系際男、女生學生混合組大隊接力賽,國際生們都拿出他們的活力,盡情地揮灑青春,全力參與這次的運動會,也熱情地幫各系加油!! 因為運動會讓各國學生們更團結,連其他系的同學都一起彼此互相鼓勵、加油,逢甲真的是充滿愛的大家庭。
The PMP program for international students at Feng Chia University won third place in field circling in the opening ceremony at the 111th Annual School Sports Day on March 18th, 2023. The program showcased a performance with 14 different countries participating, expressing their gratitude to Feng Chia University. PMP is the first program in Taiwan to establish a Bachelor's Program for International Students, currently in its sixth year with 243 students. PMP students were able to increase their sense of belonging to the school by participating in the sports day and also strengthened the bond between students within the program. The General Education Center and the Sports Education Center were thanked for their continuous support and providing the opportunity to experience Taiwan's campus sporting events.