2023/04/14 PMP的聖文森、泰國、越南、日本學生到文華高中進行文化交流,國際生分享自己國家的節慶文化,高中生和國際生分享「在台灣不能做的事」,像是7月份不能去海邊玩水、路上的紅包不可以拿等等,讓外籍生更理解台灣文化及民間習俗。台灣生也跟帶著國際生做台灣美食:珍珠奶茶、蔥油餅、麻薯和製作紅包籠燈,國際生都非常開心!這次文化活動非常的成功,雙方學到了很多關於不同文化的知識,同時也結交了新的朋友!
2023/04/14 PMP students from St. Vincent, Thailand, Vietnam, and Japan visited Wen-Hua High School for a cultural exchange. Students shared the culture of their own countries, and the high school students shared with the international students "things you can't do in Taiwan", such as can’t go to the beach to play in the water in July, not taking red envelopes on the road, etc., so that the foreign students could better understand Taiwanese culture and folk customs.The Taiwanese students also taught the international students to make Taiwanese food: bubble milk tea, scallion cakes, mochi and red envelope lanterns!The event was a great success, both students learned a lot about different cultures and made new friends!