2023/5/19 PMP6台灣文化體驗移地教學來到台中大甲的葵海休閒農場~在王惠鈴主任的帶領下,國際生們體驗控窯BBQ,大家一起分工合作撿木材生火放入食材:大甲芋頭飯、土窯雞腿、地瓜、蛋,赤著腳丫提著水桶去泥巴地裝滿泥巴,把泥巴覆蓋在土窯上封窯,讓食材在裡面悶煮,在等待的空檔時間製作草包粿,國際生們自己動手揉麵團,包入菜圃米作為內餡,每個人都製作出屬於自己的造型,中午也開心的享用早上自己親手控窯的美食搭配上獨特的草包粿,此外,還製作了控窯造型、向日葵造型、農場周圍的風力發電機的風車造型的葵海鑰匙圈,用色鉛筆為鑰匙圈塗上繽紛的色彩,把美好的回憶也一起畫進鑰匙圈裡,下午趁著沒有下雨體驗戶外生態旅遊,在葵海農場的蓮花池內,一邊拿著槳划著小船,一邊欣賞出淤泥而不染的蓮花,國際生們的臉上都充滿了幸福洋溢的笑容,雖然後來突然下起雨來,但是開心的心情絲毫不減,大家都非常享受跟同學一起相處的歡樂時光,這次的台灣文化體驗移地教學相信已經成為他們大一生活的美好回憶之一。
PMP6 Taiwan culture experience relocation teaching came to Kuihai Leisure Farm in Dajia, Taichung. Under the leadership of Director Hui-ling Wang, international students experienced earthen oven cooking. Everyone carried water buckets to fill them with mud, and then covered the mud on the earthen oven. During the plot time, international students made a traditional Taiwanese snack called "Cao Bao Gao". After enjoying the earthen oven food and the traditional snacks they had made, they also made keychains with beautiful memories. In the afternoon, the students had an outdoor ecological excursion. While paddling small boats with oars, they admired the beautiful lotus flowers, their faces adorned with joyful smiles. Despite a sudden rainfall, their happy spirits remained undiminished, and everyone thoroughly enjoyed the delightful moments spent together with classmates.