上石國小主題書展國際友人見面會 feat.PMP學長姊
2023/11/10 由企管系日本生、工工系印尼生、資工系越南生、合經系韓國生與財金系泰國生,來到上石國小當主題書展的國際小老師啦!感謝上石國小徐瑱慧老師、張格逢主任規劃與提供機會,讓本校國際生向小朋友介紹自己的國家、文化、故事及語言,在教學的過程中小朋友學習到各個國家如何打招呼以及認識到各國的國旗,最後的遊戲關卡讓每位小朋友用這五個國家的語言打招呼,小朋友都收穫滿滿,對於國際生來說這次的交流也是很棒的經驗!
November 10th,2023, PMP students from five countries went to Shang Shih Elementary School to introduce their country and language to children. The children learn how to greet people from different countries by playing games and knowing the national flags of various countries.Thanks to Shang Shih Elementary School and their teachers planned and provided opportunities for PMP students.This exchange is a great experience for international students!