
PMP7 新生成長營


PMP7 新生成長營


「謝謝你們,今天的活動感覺到逢甲的老師、同學都非常友善,說得中文我都聽得懂,感覺可以安心在這裡學習」來自索馬里蘭的學生分享。 睽違3年,終於能面對面舉辦新生成長營Orientation啦! 這屆來自7國44位的國際生全員到齊,今年加入了來自哥倫比亞和索馬里蘭的同學唷!8月初所有學生參加為期一個月的線上華語加強課,為來台灣留學做準備 8月底新生抵達台灣,入住宿舍,PMP歷屆學長姐熱心回來幫助學弟妹快速安頓好 學長姐說:「以前我們受大家幫助,現在換我們幫忙學弟妹了!」 9/7(五) 規劃了PMP7 新生成長營,由王惠鈴主任、唐永立導師、TA、PMP學長姐與語言交換學伴帶著國際生一起認識彼此、了解逢甲校園、課程及周邊生活環境。設計了一張介紹自己的學習單,讓大家用中文互相分享中文名字、國家、星座、興趣、喜歡的偶像等,大家都很喜歡這次的破冰活動,因為可快速記住同學的名字,找到與自己相同興趣或偶像的朋友。 除此之外,教國際生如何查課表、介紹逢甲校園、重要的辦公室及使用ilearn等,像國際處、生輔組、PMP辦公室等,讓國際生學會怎麼看中文課表和找到自己的上課教室,遇到問題時也能找到辦公室解決,並透過互動遊戲(例:支援前線)的搶答方式測驗學生是否都了解,例:微積分在哪裡上課、禮拜二有哪些課程、什麼時候放假等等,大家搶答速度都超快!看來大家真的玩的很開心也都有記得教的東西 同時設計了"實境解謎"的遊戲,將國際生來到台灣後,最常碰到的問題融入,讓國際生想辦法自己解決問題。 情境1 我發燒、喉嚨痛,可以去哪裡看醫生? 情境2 我的錢包、證件不見了,要怎麼辦? 情境3 去便利商店儲值200元到悠遊卡裡,並買午餐,到學校可用餐的空間吃飯。這些情境實際反應國際生在台灣會遇到的事,每組由不同國家學生組成,分配不同任務,大家都非常順利完成任務,每位同學也將任務作業都上傳ilearn了! 透過這樣的活動設計,讓國際生快速適應台灣的學習環境。 最後非常感謝所有TA、PMP學長姐和語言交換學伴的熱情幫忙,因為有你們讓國際生剛來到台灣不安的心也漸漸放鬆下來,慢慢地適應台灣的生活。

“Thank you for PMP7 Orientation activity. I feel that the teachers and students are very friendly, and I feel at ease studying here. “Shared a student from Somaliland. This year’s class of 44 international students from 7 countries. With the addition of students from Colombia and Somaliland. Students participated Chinese class in August. The seniors came back PMP and helped the students adapt to Taiwan quickly. 9/7(Fri.) PMP7 Orientation designed a Chinese self-introduction activity, including name, country, zodiac sign, interests and their idols. This activity helped everyone to get to know each other faster and find new friends. In addition to this, we were taught to check class schedules, introduce the campus and use "ilearn". Through interactive games, students were simply tested on their knowledge of FCU. Everyone really had fun. Also designed a “real escape game” that incorporates the most common problems that students encounter when they study in Taiwan. And allows them to figure out how to solve the problems. Situation 1 I have a fever and sore throat, where can I go to see a doctor? Situation 2 I lost my wallet and identification. Where should I go? Situation 3 Go to convenience store and charge 200NTD to your Easy Card and buy lunch to eat in the school’s dining space. These activities helped international students adapt to study and life in Taiwan. Each group of students completed the tasks and thanked TA and senior for helping a lot.




