10/28 PMP出發去日月潭啦!日月潭移地教學由王惠鈴主任與唐永立老師帶領PMP前往日月潭,感受台灣獨特的自然景觀與傳統文化。 第一站-廣興紙寮 為了讓國際生體驗到台灣多元的傳統文化,安排了手工造紙的活動,導覽員帶著國際生認識造紙的材料以及造紙的各個環節,DIY時間,國際生從紙糊開始一步步做成白紙,每個環節大家都專心的製作,還體驗了傳統拓印,最後的完成品國際生都很滿意! 第二站-伊達邵老街 國際生逛老街的過程中練習說中文以及體驗台灣老街美食,大家都覺得食物很好吃,而且日本學生發現台灣的麻糬跟日本的不太一樣!體驗到各國的飲食差異。大家也到碼頭體驗日月潭搭船,吃到有名的阿婆茶葉蛋,索馬里蘭的學生說很好吃! 第三站-向山遊客中心 來到向山遊客中心,國際生欣賞到整個日月潭美景以及參觀了原住民展覽,認識到原住民服飾與文化,發現到不同樣貌的台灣。 這趟旅程中,國際生認識不同的台灣文化與自然生態,相信大家都有收穫滿滿~~
Director Hui-Ling Wang and Teacher Yong-Li Tang led PMP students to Sun Moon Lake to experience Taiwan’s unique natural landscape and traditional culture. At the first stop, we came to Goang Xing Paper Mill to experience papermaking and printmaking. Everyone was satisfied with their work. At the second stop, we arrived at Yishaoda Old Street. Everyone thought the food was delicious, and also went to the pier to experience taking a boat at Sun Moon Lake and eating the famous grandma’s tea eggs. Students from Somaliland said “tea eggs were delicious!” At the last stop, we reached Xiangshan Visitor Center. International students enjoyed the beautiful scenery of Sun Moon Lake and visited the Aboriginal exhibition. They learned about aboriginal culture and discovered Taiwan with different looks. During this trip, everyone learned about different Taiwanese cultures and natural environments. We believe everyone will gain a lot~~