時間過很快,馬上要期末了~ PMP國際生們開始為下學期選課及大二選系做準備,為了讓學生更清楚的了解各系的課程、畢業門檻、老師的上課方式、報告及作業等等 2023/12/4 班級活動課唐永立生活導師邀請國貿系、行銷系、運物系、資工系、風保系、外文系和中文系等多個科系的學長姐們回來為學弟妹作介紹,這次的分享不但讓PMP7的同學更了解這些科系在學什麼也讓他們更知道自己未來的方向!
Time is passing so fast! It’s the end of this semester soon. PMP7's students are going to prepare for selecting courses and department. 2023/12/4 Teacher Yong-Li Tang invited seniors from the Department of International Business, Marking, Transportation and Logistics, Information Engineering and Computer Science, Foreign Languages and Literature, and Chinese Literature to introduce their department for PMP7. To help students figure out each department, graduation regulations, teaching style, report, homework, etc. This sharing not only lets students understand each department but also lets them know their future direction.