2022/12/09 PMP6的學生們參加了游翰堂團體創意書法體驗活動,經過前面大師的提點與練習,輪到國際生們在春聯上創作各式各樣的字樣,學生們都好有創意,原本古板的春聯都變得生動有趣,感覺動物們都能從紙上跳出來了!感謝游翰堂有這個機會和空間,讓國際生也能在宣紙與春聯上揮灑創意,藉由這次機會也更認識中華文化。
On December 9,2022, PMP6’s students participated in a calligraphy activity at Youhantang, and was given the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of Chinese culture. After being taught how to properly write calligraphy, the students were given the opportunity to write calligraphy of their own. The students were allowed to be creative and use their own calligraphy style. Despite being beginners, the calligraphy produced by the students were on par with that of the teacher.
Thanks to Youhantang for having this opportunity , so that international students can also show their creativity on rice paper and Spring Festival couplets, and learn more about Chinese culture through this opportunity.