2023年10月15日 這學期第一次的大手牽小手活動,泰國,越南,南韓,日本的國際生與文華高中學生一起來到「彰化伸港」淨灘。我們發現,海灘上散落著大量海廢,這讓我們更明白保護我們地球有多麼重要,以及地球的現實挑戰。大家一起齊心協力清理海灘。當我們完成淨灘活動後,一起前往「高美濕地」,看美麗的風景,並發現了許多有趣的環境生態,包含螃蟹最後,有一個高中生和國際生之間的互相訪問時間。他們分享了自己國家的環境問題,討論垃圾分類,減少塑膠等等。學生更深刻地理解彼此的挑戰和文化。在這個過程中,高中生和國際生之間建立了深厚的友誼,這是一個難忘的經驗,讓我們更加珍惜我們的地球,並一起為永續發展努力。
On October 15, 2023, the first "Hand in Hand" event of the semester brought together international students from Thailand , Vietnam , South Korea , and Japan , along with students from Wen-Hua High School, for a beach cleanup in Shengang, Changhua, Taiwan. We noticed a significant amount of beach litter, emphasizing the importance of Earth's protection and the real challenges it faces. We worked together to clean up the beach.Afterward, we visited the beautiful "Gaomei Wetlands," explored fascinating environmental ecosystems, including crabs . Lastly, high school and international students had a discussion about environmental issues, waste sorting, and reducing plastic use in their respective countries. This deepened their understanding of each other's challenges and cultures.During this experience, lasting friendships were formed between high school and international students, reminding us to treasure our planet and strive for sustainability together.