
到彰化看國寶、遊小鎮、賞古蹟—— 科技與藝術課程的移地教學


到彰化看國寶、遊小鎮、賞古蹟—— 科技與藝術課程的移地教學


                                                                                                                                        林碧慧老師 撰
2023年2月25日PMP6國際生跟著王惠玲主任、林碧慧老師來趟彰化行。趕在228「故宮國寶遊彰化2.0-故宮文物x新媒體藝術展」結束前,我們以最方便的距離,目睹國寶翠玉白菜、鐘錶化妝匣、雕核桃殼花籃、玉龍紋盤。經由AI走入名畫,范寬《 谿山行旅圖》 、郭熙《早春圖》、黃公望《 富春山居圖》等一一動起來,觀者經手部的伸展翺翔於名畫中,同學看得驚嘆連連、玩得欲罷不能。






On February 25, 2023, Director Hui-ling Wang, teacher Bi-hui Lin and PMP6 international students went to National Palace Museum in Changhua. The exhibition was divided into two part, an artifact display section and a new media art section. We saw large numbers of traditional arts and crafts very close also interacted with those masterpieces through AI interactive devices in person.

We were able to see exquisite national treasures up close, interact with ancient paintings, and experience the aesthetic tastes of the ancient society through technology. At the same time, we also appreciate the transcendence of art. Technology is not necessarily better than ancient times, some valuable crafts have now been lost. Technology and art interact under different time and space conditions to become an amazing look!

In the afternoon, we visited Lugang Old Street. The first stop is the quaint and historic Longshan Temple. Teacher Lin introduced the precautions for visiting the temple to the students. She prepared a popular song and a Hakka mountain song, and planned to play it beside Bagua Caisson Ceiling. However, the Longshan Temple theater stage was sealed in the construction partition, we did not have the opportunity to witness the premier and palatial Bagua Caisson Ceiling, that’s a pity!

Technology improves opportunities for the preservation and exchange of art, but technology can also harm art without knowledge of art. For example, over-restored monuments lose their charm. We sat under the corridor of Longshan Temple, staring at the ancient main hall of Longshan Temple on the right side and the stage of Longshan Temple sealed behind the construction partition on the left side, couldn't help but fall into deep thought. At the same time, we met the Nanguan Troupe practicing in Longshan Temple, and the members enthusiastically guided the traditional musical instruments of us, which surprised and delighted everyone.

The weather today is cold, Lukang offshore and windy. After leaving Longshan Temple, teachers and students shared the famous meat buns of Lukang, and watched the lively temple fair performance unexpectedly. We experienced the fierce wind on the main street but instantly ease when entering the tortuous alleys of the historic site area. The ancients planned the roadway so narrow and tortuous, which is the wisdom of life. Although the sand and stones fly outside, the inside of the Jiuqu Alley is always like spring. In order to encourage students to discover the ancient monuments, Director Wang and Teacher Lin provided photos and asked students to find the place and take the same photos as the teachers. Like a scavenger hunt, it makes students walk through the streets very energetically!

What’s an enriching day! The students said that they must visit Lukang and Longshan Temple again.






